SEO Technical Content to improve SEO on site
You may not realize how important a technical piece of content is if it’s small in size or hard to view after you work on it. Sure, SEO professionals make a living on these markers by offering quick wins to businesses of all sizes. Things like Alt-Texts (made for screen readers for accessibility purposes), titles, and descriptions. These are crucial pieces to the SEO puzzle. Most importantly, though, they need to have purpose, focus and cohesion. The algorithms of today are much smarter than they were even a few years ago. You cannot just throw a bunch of keywords into alt-text and title and guarantee success.
These piece offer insights to the search engine crawlers as to the intent of your content and the subtle nuances of your basic content offering. That’s why cohesion is incredibly important. Sure you can try to just add a bunch of focused keywords and throw it at the crawler, but it will likely be met with lower results. A product description with cohesive alt-texts for product images will perform better on average that one that just seeks to get keywords on page.
Read further down the page for more about technical SEO and SEO meta Writing
A cohesive and balanced approach to your entire portfolio of products on an E-Commerce website is enhanced with proper, standardized titling for products.
One of the best ways to explain this concepts is to use the idea that many products aren’t meant to be sold online, they require touch, or time, or to be used in person. So having the right descriptors in different areas of the product journey are more important than ever. An example might be a properly described picture. Instead of using a keyword centric concept of “Sofas in San Diego”, a proper alt text would be something like: “A black leather sofa with mid-century design” or “Custom contemporary sofa with purple velvet upholstery”.
As you can see, the purpose of the alt text is never separated from the importance of SEO, but you still get long-term value without trying to subvert best practices. Instead of hoping you might get ranked on google pictures for “Sofas in San Diego”. You aren’t just locked into getting some amount of SEO from a single search term (there no way you will rank easily in that term, improperly manipulating alt texts, anyways).
Instead, you can now get ranked for things like “velvet sofas in San Diego” (thanks to that purple velvet alt-text that originates from your San Diego based website). Not only are you doing right by those that need to use screen readers for practical purposes, but you can take advantage of long-tail keywords that offers a great way to segment, and market to new audiences that you may not otherwise be targeting.
Unless you are in the business of making a production sofa in purple velvet on a regular basis, you need a way to sell purple velvet loving consumers on you as a sofa maker. This is part of the power of properly written technical SEO markers like Alt-texts, titles, metas and other descriptors.
When working hand-in-hand, they can improve overall throughput from a SEO perspective, and give you a well-earned bounce in overall traffic and conversion.
Not all Technical SEO Work is Created Equally
We are a world class purveyor of SEO optimized technical components (including alt-texts and meta descriptions) for a wide array of industries (we generally focus on 12 industries, but our work speaks for itself – Request a Sample).
Read More about Content Creation on our Landing Page for Content Services, or in our Blog category that covers content.
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A sample is all it takes to realize we are the right digital agency to help you craft perfect Alt-texts, meta descriptions, and titles for SEO, conversion and Customer experience
- Why writing for technical SEO descriptors is so Important
- How we can help you write Properly optimized technical descriptors like Alt Texts
Technical SEO components are incredibly important. They help deliver results by being comprehensive from an SEO perspective, but they are also a huge conversion metric. Alt-texts as described above need to be properly written to get all three native values from the convention: work for those using screen readers or who cannot traditionally view a screen; make sense from a marketing perspective with long-tail value; and serve as an additional way to persuade a user of your website that you are a viable option for purchase.
- Serve as technical offerings for web crawlers to help them understand if a page is relevant in all ways
- Offer subtle nuance to professionals who can harness the value of the respective marker (example given above: alt-texts)
- Need to be done efficiently because they can be tedious and each product or page may have multiple SEO-specific technical needs from a content perspective – this allows for more help in SEO, and conversion, however
- Completing all SEO factors on page allows easier off page work and sets you up for success by showing the crawlers that you put in more work relative to peers
- Having accessibility helpers improves user experience for a larger audience and helps you climb up the rankings for keywords across the board
- Having granular control over what is shown to crawlers and humans allows you to own your planning and roadmap, and make proper conclusions about direction, success, and tweaks that may still be necessary to enhance the experience
- No other small cost improvement in SEO is more valuable for quick/immediate benefits than properly titled, alt-texted and described pages, posts, photos, and the like. In the grand scheme of things, this can be the single most important operation a picture heavy website can do if structure properly. Let us show you how.
Click on the next tab or scroll down the page to learn how all SEO descriptors, and conversion components like alt-texts, titles, meta descriptions and captions can benefit from true experts.
When you have a product that is better sold in a physical location because it’s large, needs to be interacted with to help sell the consumer, or has a variety of options, you need to acommodate a much more comprehensive web-presence surrounding those types of products and services.
One of the best ways to start to do that, is by optimizing small technical SEO and user experience components.
While it is true that “search engine title and meta description” is not a ranking factor for SEO according to Google, it is incredibly important to get right because it does help with conversion and credibility.
Even more importantly, the strategy and structure behind the SEO that is public facing, must be solid. A title for your products should be easy to understand. it helps with SEO ranking.
“Wait.. Didn’t you just say titles don’t help with SEO?”
Yes, but there are obstensibly two types (or more depending on how you look at the task at hand) of titles. One which you produce for the actual page you are creating for a product or service, and one which you prefer is shown to the search engines.
The first is improtant to SEO and needs to be right. The second should be able to be added to, subtly, to increase conversion potential, and not overtly change the result a user gets when they navigate to that page. So, yes, there are multiple parts to optimizing a page/post/product/service. All of them require proper inputs for SEO-centric markers, like, in this instance, a title.
The overall titling scheme of an E-Commerce store might be something like [Brand>Product>Size>Color]. You would want to make sure that you have a cohesive styling to that convention which is shown site wide. You may also need to include other pieces, like “finish” or “application” or “attributes”, or, you may have a product page that includes those in the page body (liek a variable product with options), and you must focus on other more important components in the product title. On page, this is a ranking factor. In the SEO input areas, where you are stipulating what you want Google, etc. to show about your given product page, you can enhance this baseline title with a bit of embellishment to help with sell-through, and conversion. But while it is not a ranking SEO factor, THIS META TITLE, is still important. It can help make you the product chosen over peers when on a page, side-by-side with your competitor.
SEO professionals, are not always holistic marketing professionals.
It’s important to get the best SEO you can, but not at the detriment of your overall marketing objectives. This is only one reason why SEO shouldn’t ever be separated completely from overall marketing. We love doing SEO work. But we recognize that it is but a sub-segment of overall marketing, and must be compliant to the best practices of the given marketing plan.
Knowing what you are trying to accomplish is important when you optimize for SEO-centric markets and components like metas, titles, descriptions, schema, and alt texts, among others. You need an agency that gets the importance of prioritizing methods and executing on needs, rather than just throwing a bunch of stuff at the wall and hoping it sticks.
That’s where we come in. We know Google because we’ve lived in the Google ecosystem daily for more than 20 years. But more importantly, we know what works over time because we curate our own highly optimized websites. In industries that mirror our clientele. So before Google makes changes, we see what’s happening and can pivot faster, and more confidently.
We write timeless content, including metas and alt-texts and other SEO-centric components.
If you are a marketer or a business owner that isn’t ready to pay someone yet to do work on their website. We get it. We are business owners and marketers too. We like having control over what happens on our websites and saving money where we can. If we cannot convince you to work with us in a client/agency relationship. We would love to have you consider us from a learning perspective. We produce content that can help you understand some of the ways we outperform for our clients. Please have a look and let us know how we can help along your journey. We aren’t jealous, and we produce this content because we love seeing hard working dedicated people achieving success online everyday.
We can help you sell more product with properly designed SEO-centric descriptions, Alt-Texts and more
We are expert crafters of SEO related descriptors and technical SEO markers. We don’t need to try to sell you. Just request a sample. We are not a “hard sale” digital agency. We are a digital agency that prioritizes high quality work that’s it. You’ll either love what we do or you won’t – we won’t blow up your phone if you look elsewhere. Get a sample and see for yourself. We believe you will be impressed by our capabilities. You can even request a custom sample.
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Inland Empire, Southern California (Riverside, Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange, San Bernardino Counties)
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We have more than 250 Subject matter expert writers and they are led by an industry specific management team of 12
(951) 290-3885
Content is still King, and we are the King of Content for Small Businesses
Formats of Content Writing we can provide
A Complete Content Deliverable For your Industry
We give you a fully vetted piece of content that has had multiple reviews, and offers built-in SEO best practices, including optimized headers, internal links to proper pages on your site, and we help you build a profitable strategic content program, or align directly with your existing planning.
Content Related Services we Offer
Better Results from the Same Content Budget Instantly
We will match pricing, and exceed quality up against ANY DIGITAL AGENCY in the USA. Period.
Why our Content Writing Team is Different
We use a hardcore cross-training methodology in the office. Our team is fully a management level group of professionals. Not salespeople, but experts in their given specialties from WebDev, to Content, to Security, to Networking, to Digital Marketing, etc. We cross train every single member of that team to be world class content writers. We also work with more than 250 content writers with Expert level subject understanding from more than a dozen industries. You get a whole team's expertise, by hiring us in just one of our core proficiencies. Such overlap creates ROI in real-time.
Industries we work with Currently
Consumer discretionary | Furniture | Firearms, military and law enforcement and related industries | Manufacturing, metal fabrication and industrial | Outdoors, extreme sports and affiliated industries | Retail and e-commerce | Scientific and medical technology | Medical and Dental service providers | Professional services providers | Construction Companies and AEC related firms | International brands with HQ in Southwest USA | High ticket items and Luxury Goods | Hard to market products that require innovative storytelling or strategic marketing